College Doesn’t Have to Be So Expensive

Are you a parent who is worried how you’ll afford college for your student? Or are you concerned how you’ll protect your hard-earned assets from being drained by rising college costs?

Warning: The Average Cost to Attend a 4-Year Private College is More Than $200,000

According to Forbes Magazine, the price of college is increasing almost 8 times faster than wages. This article from Fidelity shows how parents are underestimating the total cost of college by an average of $70,000.

Student Loans Have Exceeded $1.5 Trillion in 2018

Sadly, most families don’t have a plan for funding their children’s college education. They end up relying on student loans to fill their gap. Student loans are now the fastest growing segment of U.S. household debt. And this crisis is about to get worse: a new generation of college-graduate borrowers who may never be able to repay.

Fortunately, You Can Beat Colleges at Their Own Game

Most parents don’t realize that colleges play a game when it comes to their inflated prices. And they’re very good at it. Why else do you think so many families borrow exorbitant amounts of money to pay for college? Fortunately, with a smart college financial plan, you can beat colleges at their own game.

Learn How To Get a Higher Education at a Lower Price

For more than 20 years, we’ve helped hundreds of families save thousands on college costs while avoiding student loans. Our expertise in financial planning, accounting, and knowing which colleges offer the most aid has helped our clients to successfully get a higher education at a lower price.

We’re ready to help your family do the same. Join us at our next College Planning Workshop to learn more.